Sunday Surprise Visit.
Justice showed up in a taxi. I received a call from her stating she was outside and wanted me to pay for a cab. She was $3 short and I could hear her arguing with the driver over not listening to her directions and driving beyond the agreed price. I went downstairs, gave him a 20, got back 10. She kept her money. I had no desire to do a date. I was jacking it late night to VR porn. She wanted $90! I was gonna fuck her regardless. After some considerable effort, and a lot of patience on her part, I blew a load inside her. She’s been doing dates on the side so I don’t care whether I see her or not. It must not be paying well because she keeps coming back to me. While she was there, the cousin called. The cousin was very pissed off. She’s looking to do a date with me too. I ignore the five or six other girls calling me. I don’t concern myself with them. A normal girl would have nothing to do with me, these girls know that I pay the money. My problem with them is that they...