Who needs hookers?

 That slut the brunette is out hooking again. You give that girl a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing and she will always choose the wrong thing every time. I plan to stay away from her as long as she stays away from me. Who needs a narcissistic crack whore in their life? Despite the sex, I still sleep alone at night. So, rather than blow my money on her, I've decided to invest in a toy that will make these money grubbing whores obsolete. 

The blonde called and texted some sob story that she was upset from fighting with the boyfriend. She said she needed ten dollars for a cab to come over. I ignored her. After a dozen more calls and texts, she finally left me alone. I distracted myself the rest of the night to keep my mind from wandering toward indulging an escapade with another whore and wasting even more money.

If there's anything you can learn from me it's three things about sex.

1. It's easy to get laid. Women are plentiful and most will do anything for the right amount of money.

2. Sex is an essential need, like any other bodily function. i.e. eating sleeping, etc. Millions of years of evolution drive all living beings to reproduce, even to the point of sacrifice.

3. Sex is not enough. The act of sex with a prostitute is just fulfilling a need for a bodily function, not forming a connection with others. Maslow was right with his hierarchy chart. The bed for companionship and social interaction is more important than your basic needs such as sex. 

The mistake of believing you can form these social connections through interactions with street whores is delusional. These are broken people and I've had nothing but bad relationships. Your results may vary, but I also remember when I tried forming real relationships before I started down this easier path one can take. I would date girls in the traditional way and be disappointed by their callous unfaithfulness every time.

So, I cut out that heartache and focused on the one thing I wanted from them. Pussy. It was nice for a while. I didn't care that they would part their legs for any guy willing to part with a bit of change. Maslow kept tapping me on the shoulder, asking if I was going to try to form a lasting, meaningful relationship. Would I allow myself that vulnerability that seems to come so easy to others who live the happily married American suburban  dream.

Never. I fucked their wives. I'm resolved to my fate.


  1. I think that for some people it's the case that their persuit of 'dirty', dangerous, disapproved of (societally), and costly (however that's quantifed), sex is for them 'self actualising' - in the term attributed to Maslow. Perhaps Maslow himself 'self-actualised' in a rather 'different' way too, by marrying his cousin - as he did.

  2. Unboxing video??? Tutorial lol?

    1. I considered it, but there's videos of such things already, and they're fucking weird.

    2. Lol I bet they are


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