Yeah, she ditched me.

"Please don't go to work I'm going to have you come pick me up I just didn't want you to see me throwing up because that's what I did all night long I was really sick I think it's wrong doing this dumb shit you don't even want to do I think I'm all done with all of it cuz honestly all it did was cause me to have a horrible night I'm so sorry be honest I'm still sick with a headache and throwing up so I'm taking that as a sign that I'm getting too old for all this shit and my body just can't it anymore"

This is the text I received this morning. I'm definitely using this as my ticket to continue to fuck other girls. I just regret not breaking out the cameras when I fucked her. Not that it was terribly exciting, but she's always a good fuck. However, the last time I had that other girl over, I busted two loads in her. I send three loads on their way to the cervix of the cousin one night. 
Deep down, I knew I could never trust the brunette alone in my house. I didn't want her here. I wanted the fantasy that I helped a girl get out of a bad situation. The reality is that she IS the bad situation. At least now, I don't have to give up prime meat. Though I'm not surprised by any of this, I am disappointed.


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