Away, She-devils!
My sex toy came in from Amazon. I immediately took it home and fucked it. I honestly don’t know how I lived this long without it. I have had five girls hit me up today. One blew me off, another called me after midnight asking for money. They learned not to ask for too much, I usually oblige $20. anything more than that and you have to suck dick to get it. I recently said hi to this girl Sarah again. Big mistake. she is extremely aggressive and self-centered. One of those girls that promises the world, but gives you jack shit. Her one redeeming quality is her fantastic pussy even when she is bitching and staring at her phone I just love sticking my dick in that thing I ignored her she was calling a dozen times trying to get me to pick her up when I wasn’t even in town. Didn’t feel like dealing with that shit. The short girl with the big tits texted me again and wants to hook up blonde with a nice ass is texting me more. However, I went straight home and fell asleep. I actually tried fucking that toy for a while, but I had to stop and fall asleep. 20 minutes later started again and actually came. I blew my load inside the toy. I may have to get used to washing this thing. I still will never apologize for blowing my load in women. There is nothing to apologize for. How do you think we all got here? for the rest of my day, my dick was a limp noodle. I feel like I’m not giving it the chance to get hard anymore. Since discovering VR porn, I’ve been beating it like a monkey. I haven’t been like this since I was a teenager. Combine that with the new toy, and I will have no need for women anymore.
if only that were true. Springtime is here and the girls are already shedding their clothes everywhere I look. With the abundance of freely available pussy, there’s no way I can even slow down. Is this what it means to be a sex addict? i’m not even chasing pussy, it’s constantly knocking at my door. For instance, I just sent her $20. I know that I could’ve just driven over there and fucked her. I’d rather go to sleep. I got stage of my life where I’d rather go to bed and slam some slut in my backseat.
Of course, I have been fucking that toy all day. already it’s proving to be an investment. I resisted going and giving her $100, and just gave her 20, which puts her on retainer. Since this is the first day with that thing, I have refrain from making any pictures or videos regarding this thing. Strangely enough, you can go online and watch guys fuck toys. Rule 34.
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