Girls are strange creatures.
I am convinced that if girls didn’t have something men wanted, then men would have nothing to do with these weirdos. I got a text from a girl that I’ve done dates with some time ago, who wanted to sell me her content again for $30 or. She said she needed the money for gas. I told her I’d give her $100 every time she wants to come up and do a date make a video. I even told her I’d give her the video. She could sell it. She said she doesn’t have an only fans anymore, and then countered with a bigger amount to $500, saying other guys would pay her that for her videos. She went silent after I asked her why she’s asking me for gas money then. Lately, there's a new trend of girls asking me for small amounts of money. Maybe it’s how girls are brought up around here, expecting something for nothing. It’s fucking annoying. I hit up the redhead today, maybe wait a half an hour outside her place before I gave up and drove off. She gave me the same shit as all these other idiots. ...