The day of Love.
12:20 am Happy Valentine's, I texted.
She replied the same.
3:48pm Got out of work, planned to pick her up. Told her I'm on my way. She said she would be ready.
4:18pm I texted that I had arrived.
4:24 on She called to say she'll be right down.
4:30 pm "Please don't leave I'm literally coming down I promise I just want to make sure that I had everything so I can do my makeup and shit in the car so I don't have to go out looking like shit"
4:35 pm called to say she was coming down.
4:39 pm called her, and she said she was waiting for her friend who was coming with us.
4:49 I called again, she didn't answer. I left.
4:50 pm "Ignored your call because I was walking outside my hands are full"
"Forget it I'm halfway home," I said.
4:51 pm "I am standing in front of my door," she texted.
4:59 pm "Are you coming I'm not arguing or fighting with you you RJ I'm asking you just to get over here I apologize for not being ready cuz I forgot you called yes or no and I think your games," she texted.
I eventually went Beck to pick her up. she had some kind of role with her friend, and got in the car by herself while her friends to the front of the door. We drove off to my place. She spent most of the time texting and fighting and arguing with some people on the phone, and then me. It did not stop her from doing a date with me. Any romantic notions for today were completely thrown out the window as I was just another date for her. Having any expectation of anything more than this is frankly ridiculous. She eventually had enough and wanted to leave when I told her that when she went into the hallway instead of the porch, she ends up filling up the room anyway with smoke because it wafts through the cracks of the door. This was for her a breaking point. Smokers should not date non-smokers. And housewives are not made from hookers.
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