Fine on my own.

 I fell for more bullshit today. The redhead wanted to see me this morning and I agreed to it. I picked her up brought her home, and we had plans to use the VR headset. Maybe even have a breakfast/brunch. This is what she had asked for. This is all bullshit. She got here, then went into the bathroom. 

She didn’t got what was to me and extremely surprising phone call. The man she has been with for two years, her running partner as she calls him even though it is completely unbeknownst to me, had called her from jail. I don’t remember the crime he committed to land him there, but I heard the same arguments coming from her as I do with the brunette and her old boyfriend. I see the same pathetic woman as the cousin and her abusive man. The same conversations, the same arguments. These men who are users and takers latch onto these women like remoras. He was calling to get her to send him money to jail. He was telling her how much he loves her and that he was sorry and that’ll change and all that other bullshit that women seem to just eat up. after the phone call ended I had a bit of a talk with her, but I don’t think I got through to her at all. These men are scumbags that just use these kind of women to get what they need. They offer them nothing but arguments and misery. But hey, it’s what they want.

Eventually I got her to come out of the bathroom and she asked if we wanted to do our thing first. At this point she was topless and I agreed. So we got on the bed and fucked. I don’t actually like fucking her. She’s pretty, but she moans in pain and the act is not enjoyable for either of us. 

After that was over, thankfully, she got another phone call from a relative of his, and then he called again from jail. She went into the bathroom once again for at least another half an hour, most of which was spent doing God knows what. She did need a facecloth, because her neck was bleeding from her trying to shoot up there. I did not like finding that out.

At this point, my patience had run out. I told her it was time to leave, and dropped her off where I found her.

later that night I was getting barrage by calls and texts from the blonde. She said she was at her dads and then wanted to spend the night here. Her boyfriend had abandoned her for the night to go to sleep with a relative, and that she did not want to spend the night in the cold in her truck by herself. 

Once again, this was all entirely bullshit. These girls know how to get me. I should’ve told her have fun and left it at that. Because I had sex earlier, I was not in the mood at all. So she came over, jumped into bed, and started blowing me. it was not easy to fuck her. Looks have nothing to do with it. If you’re not in the mood, then that is that. I soldiered on anyway. Eventually I climax, even though fucking her was not all that fun because she was in such a rush to get back to whoever was waiting for her in her truck. She said she got a ride by her dad over here and that she told him that she was cleaning something with me really quick. All of this again was total bullshit. Most likely it was her boyfriend waiting for her in their truck. She then demanded $83, the extra three for cash app. And away she went, with no mention of needing somewhere too stay for the night. Had I seen through her bullshit in time I would’ve ignored her.

As it stands, I fucked two girls on a Saturday night, and the whole thing cost me $143. I want to meet a CEO of a big computer company, he said he started out making $400 an hour. I’ve met people like him who make real money. These people live in a whole other universe. I am of the common folk that must watch what they spend because I’m not smart enough to earn more money than my paycheck. 

Sleeping with all these women exceeds my allowed budget. Other men of greater financial means would never even have this problem. I make do with what I can. Just like in the casino, you can lose quickly the value of money.


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