I'm a Toys “R” Us kid.
I never stopped playing with toys. Being the middle child of three male boys, one thing I can’t complain about is that my dad made sure we had all the best toys. He would get us the latest video games, G.I. Joe’s, transformers, Hell just about anything. Dirt bikes, music instruments, we had very little to complain about in the way of distractions. Maybe it’s because I never had kids of my own that I never really grew out of it. I still like all of these things. And I don’t mean in a nostalgic fashion. I mean these things still occupy my time. Women to me are nothing more than toys. I put them back when I’m done.
This was an exhausting weekend. I feel bad for blowing off at least two other girls to focus on the brunette and the cousin. I have been fucking them so much, my dick can't get hard. Give me time to recover! I've been fighting with Justice over dumb shit. She will argue and fight over anything, not for any reason other than to try to get more money out of me. She acts all jealous and upset, then goes home and turns the next trick.
Cousin started texting, saying she needed a place to stay for the night. I picked her up, and paid for her shit while I was at it. She came over and did the usual go in the bathroom go on the porch routine. At some point we had sex and went to sleep. I tried snuggling with her in the morning to get her to fuck me again, but that didn’t work. What did work was when she wanted me to take her back over to her dealer to get $40 worth of shit. I told her for $60 let’s do a quickie and then I’ll bring you over there, but I’m not gonna give you free money for nothing.
she agreed to it went into the bedroom took off her clothes got on the bed and started blowing me. She let me fuck her for a while until I was done. When I brought her back she said she’d be out quick. I waited 10 minutes then went home. Then I played some video games as any responsible adult would. I live a simple, immature life and I am quite content with it.
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