A Clarification Is In Order

 The reason I’m not posting new videos to Pornhub is simple and straightforward. When I posted the original videos, the girls in them had licenses that were up-to-date. Since then, one girl’s license has expired and she has not taken the time to get a new updated license or ID card, which is now required for any new videos. So I can’t post any new videos until she gets her shit together and gets an updated license for new content. You may think, “what’s the big deal” but everything with these girls is complicated.

I’ve made videos with at least three girls that were afraid their dads her boyfriends would see the videos, so wouldn’t give me permission to post them.

One girl who was enthusiastic about the whole thing… Died. Can't show those now. 

 And the blonde had a change of heart, once her boyfriend got pissed off about it. Not many people like to watch her videos,  so to me it was no big deal. If for any reason a performer doesn’t want the videos posted, I simply take them down.

I have a lot of videos of the cousin, but until she provides an ID and does the required steps, that's on hiatus as well. 

This may all seem dire and hopeless, but I managed to put up over 50 videos that generates an income that the brunette now partially relies upon. So, this is all a positive. Pornhub is all about profit generation off of a reliable income. So, Even if I never lift a finger,  this has already been is a bit of a success.


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