Girls are strange creatures.

 I am convinced that if girls didn’t have something men wanted, then men would have nothing to do with these weirdos. I got a text from a girl that I’ve done dates with some time ago, who wanted to sell me her content again for $30 or. She said she needed the money for gas. I told her I’d give her $100 every time she wants to come up and do a date make a video. I even told her I’d give her the video. She could sell it. She said she doesn’t have an only fans anymore, and then countered with a bigger amount to $500, saying other guys would pay her that for her videos. She went silent after I asked her why she’s asking me for gas money then. 

Lately, there's a new trend of girls asking me for small amounts of money. Maybe it’s how girls are brought up around here, expecting something for nothing. It’s fucking annoying. 

I hit up the redhead today, maybe wait a half an hour outside her place before I gave up and drove off. She gave me the same shit as all these other idiots. I’ll be down in a minute! Uh Huh, bullshit! 

That cute blonde girl says that her truck is gone, damaged beyond repair. Considering she can’t afford five fucking dollars for gas, beyond repair seems like a good assessment. She’s back living with that same fat fuck as before. She says it’s temporary. Yeah right. So is life.

The brunette texted me around 4 AM, asking if I was awake. then I haven’t heard from her for the rest of the day. She can’t be bothered to text me when I might actually be awake. 

That’s OK. I don’t mind the slow days when I don’t get any. Sometimes I forget just how much money I spend on this. I don’t consider any of it like others would as an addiction. I look at it like my time is limited and I don’t want to waste it. I spent time taking care of elderly and informed as a CNA. this one sweet old lady looked me dead in the eyes and said, “don’t wait until you’re old like me. Everything hurts. Everything sucks. You can’t go anywhere or do anything like you used to. Have fun now! Don’t wait till you’re old and it’s too late!“ I took that to heart. I enjoy my days. Most of the time I’m on the couch with a cat and a coffee. I appreciate amazing technology that VR and phones provide. I consider myself fairly lucky. I live a comfortable life. Every day I wake up and think three things :

1. What am I going to eat?

2. Who am I going to fuck?

3. What am I going to play/watch?

As you can see, there is a certain contentment in my life. It could be much better, it could be much worse. I’ve reached some kind of fucked up equilibrium.

I added another video. It should post soon on pornhub. 


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