Vampires can't say no.

All living organisms, as we are taught in biology 101, MUST fuck. The very definition of life includes the ability and need to reproduce. Most of the time I can suppress this base urge, but today, I gave in to that need. I was exchanging texts with Sunshine, as we will call her today, who wanted me to get her at the park. What park? She took too long to respond and I had already made it home. She said she'd take a bus. It would be a couple hours. So I got on my Meta headset and saw on a chat site my favorite slut. I immediately got hard, texted her back, and told her I would brave the shitty traffic to come get her. Sunshine is easygoing, not expensive, doesn't complain, and you can fuck as hard and as long as you like. She was hungry and tired. Fell asleep in the park earlier. I picked her up, brought her home, she wolfed down a BK burger, laid on the bed, and let me have my way with her. I tried making a video, but it was half assed since she needs an updated I...