Depravity is a lifestyle.

The proper environment to raise a hillbilly crack baby.

 She came over tonight, even though I told her I don't want to enable her by handing over $100. I think you are already becoming bored with the knowledge that you know where this is headed. It’s the same every time. Now she says she’s six months pregnant… She thinks she’s very unwilling to tell me or even discuss anything about it. She does, however look very sexy. Thick thighs nice booty. Her tits are filled out. 

So she comes over, after I pick up something for her to eat. She sleeps in the car, then goes out on the porch and sleeps out there for a good couple hours. Then she comes in and takes a  bath for an hour. She tries to say that she wants to go and doesn’t wanna do anything but still wants the fuckin money. No dice. I turned on the Insta360, and dogged her from behind. I know it should be blessed in a good one on her face, but I always end up never pulling out. You think I would’ve learned my lesson by now.

I dropped her back off at home at the trailer. By the way, they have been living in a class C motorhome for a few months now. They parked it behind a liquor store that has heavy traffic in the middle of the city. She has been getting visits from that psycho ex-boyfriend who last drew a gun on her father‘s face. during the last visit. They say the cops are looking for him. He has warrants stemming from his attacks on her. I sure hope things work out with those two lovebirds.


  1. I don’t get why she thinks it’s OK to keep using when she’s that pregnant and if it truly is yours, which obviously we don’t know someone needs to push her to stop. I don’t know about your state, but I think that in my state if the baby is born addicted DCFS gets involved and that’s never a good thing.


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