Things haven't been going well.

Many of the girls out here don’t care about anyone else’s problems. In fact, they probably never even crosses their mind. I got a phone call from Justice. She said she was cold, with a friend, and needed me to pick her up.

Now, before I go any further with with the story, understand that it took me a while to work out just what she was saying to me. Forgetting rule number one, the one being that drugs come first, and that she is a street whore, it did not dawn on me that she just wanted to come over and do a date for money. Keep this in mind as the story progresses. 

I knew her friend. I fucked her friend. She got in the car while Justice was having a blazingly fast conversation with two other guys standing there. I couldn’t understand a word of it, but it just was that they were trying to get some drugs off her.

I told her to hurry up and get in the car. She was yakking and sounded pissed as she got into the car and then the focus of that anger laid on me. When she’s angry with someone, she will insult them, threaten them and just be as mean and cruel as she can be. At some point, she let slip that she wasn’t going to stay over for the night, that she was just going to go back to her other friends house where she's been staying. 

I became angry at this. "What are you coming over to my house for?" "Obviously, to make money!” she angrily replied, as if I just don’t seem to get it, which obviously I don’t. I don’t think I ever will. I want something more from her and I’m just never going to get it. I’m nothing more than a trick. Realizing this got me so angry that I told her to just get out. The two exited the car, and I drove home. 

I’ll feel like I'm isolating myself more and more. You may think it’s nice to be able to fuck half the city any time you feel, but I would trade them all for one good woman. And by good woman, I mean, a woman who does not start needless fights, it’s not a narcissist, who only thinks of herself, a girl you know you can depend on that has your back. Someone I can trust. I’ve been looking for a girl like that my whole life. I turned to prostitutes because I’ve given up on that search.The problem now is that I am not as willing to tolerate their bullshit. Every monger knows that you have to put up with a lot of shit to get a lot of ass. 


  1. It requires suspension of belief to fully enjoy time with a whore. You have to try to forget that this is just about money for her and that she actually wants to be with you. It's a delicate little mind fuck to be honest. Still even though I have seen the movie before I pay to see it again and again.


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