One waits to bait me, the other makes me wait to inseminate.

I came home to find justice waiting at the door. She has been there for a couple of hours she said. Don’t think it’s because of me lately. She’s been robbing the stores around town and she comes to my place to hide. This accountd for her urgency in calling to inquire when I would arrive home. while here she went about her usual routine, which does not involve me at all spending time on the porch, in the bathroom, etc. Her narcissism does not allow her to ever admit that she has done something wrong. She knew she was upsetting me. Narcissist love to play with a form of whataboutism.  I was a no mood for the blame game. She wanted to go to a nicer restaurant, but we settled on Burger King. Afterwards I bought a pack of cigarettes for her, drove her to her fence, and then to drop her off at her dealer. She wanted me to give her another $20, Saying she would rather have that than the food and cigarettes. I said, "you're welcome!" "I’m not saying thank you. Fuck you you piece of shit” I called her a jerk and drove off. Later that night, while jerking off on the couch, I saw the friend hanging around online that I just banged earlier this week. couple of brief texts, and making me wait a good 20 minutes. I took her home, banged her doggy style and dropped her off back home $60. I like efficiency. I could’ve picked up another girl, but then I would have to deal with their bullshit all night. sometimes you just want someone to bend over. This girl understands this.


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