Turn them down

Some of these girls… Everyone of these girls forget that this cost money. So the roles are reversed. They come after me and I’m the one who rejects them. Everyone reading this most likely grew up in the traditional sense that a man will hit on a woman and she will be the one to decide whether or not she wants him. It is the man who pursues the woman. When you put money to anything it changes. A high school football game can be high stakes if there’s money involved. You can bet on snails racing, it doesn’t even matter. So when I got two phone calls today from girls wanting to see me, and I had just woke up and didn’t feel like it, I turned them down in as nice a way as possible. The first girl gave me another sob story that she spent the night outside and was calling me from a broken phone plugged into an outlet of an ATM. If I don’t come and pick her up she will wander around for the rest of the day not knowing what to do. Her birthday was two days ago and it was miserable. I would lik...