It ain't all about sex
I went to see the one in the tent today. She didn't want to fuck, and said come back later that night. We will do a date then. After a bit I went off to do my thing, various errands. Later I was hungry, so I got something for the both of us. I thought she might like a hug meal to eat. I was right. I brought it to her tent, And we both ate it. But then she said she was too full to fuck. Instead she wanted to get high and shoot herself full of dope. Then she said come by tomorrow we can do a date. At this point I don’t really care. She’s cute but I can fuck anybody. And she’s on really hard times sleeping in a tent. I have to keep someone like this at arms length because she uses drugs. But I always liked her, and I always like talking with her. So this is kind of as close to a friendship as you can get. A kind of no pressure, friends with benefits kind of thing.
Sex is just a primal urge, wired into us, not some end all be all of existence.
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