Strange Days
Good movie. Also describes the end of the year for me. I'll have to do some serious editing to take me out of these videos. I am NOT photogenic. Maybe it was the weird angle focusing on my gut. I'll kill myself before I look like the Hedgehog. At any rate, I wanted pussy. First I wanted to fuck the brunette, because her advertising herself as a prostitute makes me want to fuck her even more. But, for some reason, the line I texted went dead when I called. I'm assuming that she and her boyfriend/wrangler dropped the ball again. Fuck-ups. None of the usual suspects were up around noon, and weren't hitting me up yet. I was supposed to spend time with one girl who has time of from rehab in the form of a two hour window. But she wanted me to buy her a new phone. These girls go through phones like Pez candies, and I won't get her one just so she can hit up other men. She then said all I wanted from her was sex, and she was no longer into that. So I started hitting on a...