Getting laid is not the problem.

 I can fuck a girl whenever I want. There's so many sluts in this city. It's a bad economy. Girls who would never spread their legs now think twice when you flash a one hundred dollar bill. There's plenty of crack whores to go around. I fucked two on Christmas. The redhead hit me up in the afternoon, then the brunette stopped by, passed out on my floor, sleep for a few hours like that, and her boyfriend went ballistic threatening to call in everyone from the FBI on the HOA on me! I ignored him, of course, but told her she had to leave because he was threatening to call the police, my mother, and everyone on Facebook. She flipped out on him over the phone, and then insisted on fucked me. So, I blew my load in her and sent her on her way. Merry Christmas. 

But my main point here is that I blow of three or four girls a day who constantly hit me up. I just tell them I have no money till Friday, and they usually leave me alone. Even if I was endlessly horny and wealthy beyond measure, fucking these girls is no more an act of passion than eating dinner. It's degraded to a physical chore. The shirt girl with big tits is a great fuck, but that's all she is. That's all she will ever be. That's all I can expect  from any of these girls. And this is the BEST case scenario. They come over, strip, get in bed, fuck me, get dressed, here's your money. That's it. For a single guy with no family, this can be soul sucking. I'm not interested in sex. I'm not 20, thinking I have to act on every chance I get. I see sex as a buffet. But even if I pace myself and eat my fill, I'm still eating alone. All I have to show for my gluttony is having a big shit. Everyone needs friendships and companionships. When that's lacking, you can't violate the first rule and forget that these girls will never provide that company. 


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