Women's innate ability to stretch time.

 she said she’s ready if I want to come over. She will even be outside waiting, since she’s to be up last time. I said OK, I’ll be there in five minutes. Eight minutes later, I said I am still waiting, and she’s acting like it’s a surprise that I’m there already. Fast forward another 15 minutes and several texts saying that she’s coming, and she finally comes to the car. Her and her ability to see how far she can stretch time comes from the fact that I was ready to leave in exactly one more minute. She of just how long I’m willing to wait before I say fuck it and go back home. 

She and I used to fuck a lot, but after she sustained an injury from a car accident, she doesn't want to do anything other than blowjobs. Normally I would just ignore her, but we’ve developed a rapport and her blow jobs are pretty good. We drove to a quiet dark spot, and she worked the knob till I blew in her mouth. She immediately spit it out the car door, and we split. 

Now she tries to play me. She starts to try and hustle. First she wants fast food. Just nuggets. then she wants cigarettes. This is already out there she already asked for more money.

I gave her 40, something I would never do with anyone else. I just happen to know that that’s how it’s going to work out with her. We get to the drive-through she starts ordering all kinds of shit. I let her get away with nuggets and fries, and the guy on the other side felt generous and gave her a free drink. So the damage came to under $50. When it gets to like this, I stop talking to them for a while. I’m not avoiding them to teach them a lesson. They never learn anything. I am avoiding them as a reminder to myself that for the same amount of money I can get much better pussy.


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