A regular C-note
I picked up the cousin after work. She spends hours in the bathroom doing all kinds of strange maintenance. I wish she'd do that after we fuck. I get impatient waiting for people like this. Once I blow my load, I could give a fuck if she moved into my bathroom! Let me cum first, and you can spend all night doing your dumb shit.
Chalk it up to anticipation. I'll put up with it to inseminate a sexy girl half my age. She's had three children already, and I don't think I'll ever knock her up, but I always try. She asked me to cum on her face a couple of times, but I always unload in her pussy, on even the slimmest chance that I could get her pregnant. If you're wondering why, don't bother. I don't question it. I want to as part of my caveman brain needing to force me to procreate. I don't give it more thought than that. If degenerate losers can pop out kids, why not me?
I feel this family owes me one anyway since the girlfriend decided to "check out of the hotel", as I like to call it.
100 sobering dollars later, I feel somewhat indifferent towards this woman. She has no respect for where she is, and repeatedly gets high in my bathroom. I can’t have this girl over anymore. She likes to free bass on shit that makes my whole house smell like Chinese food. I have never touched a drug, and I’ll be damned if some fentanyl smoking crack whore is going to get me high off of secondhand bullshit. She stretches my tolerance limits. With great pussy comes great maintenance.
Ahh, turns out the bitch robbed me. They always think they get away with it. She robbed me of a couple of batteries that were valuable to me. Her bullshit can not be tolerated. You may think this is petty, but you are wrong. Never let someone into your home that destroys the harmony of your household. I know that sounds like a fortune cookie, but it's the best advice you will receive from me. This girl has an utter lack of respect for me. Let her go neck to her life in her tent with those miserable people. I have no connection to them. I don't need them in my life. I don't need someone running my home, trashing my bathroom, getting high and stealing from me. I have forgiven her for some serious shit in the past... Like pretending to be pregnant with my baby, but I won't tolerate having an unharmonious household. I like the idea of having a child, but it's a romantic idea. These women would do everything they can to ruin my life. That's the kind of people that I deal with all the time out here.
Beware, you bastards. You can fuck them, but you cannot trust them
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