It's never too late to learn an old lesson.

 Here's a simple scenario that happened today. Last night, Justice showed up at the door. I've been sick for a couple weeks and had no desire or tolerance for any company. I let her in. She's slightly brain damaged from her illness, so I need too constantly redirect her now. This is tolerable. Her nonsense is not. She spent the night doing light cleaning and getting high before falling to sleep. I haven't been sleeping well sure to being under the weather. 

Now today, she immediately wants me too bring her to get $60 worth of crack. She says she's not touching dope. I pull her sweatpants down, and fuck her. We get dressed, I get her $60, some taco bell, and I DROP HER OFF. She is selfish, and interested in being comfortable. I don't want to deal with her nonsense. All addict girls want a man that will get them shit, and give them a place to get high. Don't. Get rid of the bitch. Drop her off. Otherwise, you will have to cater to her shit all day and any plans you have are put on the back burner. Drop her off, go shopping, do a hobby, live your life. Treat them no different than a friend at best. Play time is over. Now go back to your miserable life, and understand that I don't live that life. 

By the way, the pics above are when both these girls showed up. I fucked them both. They get along. There's no animosity. They both know why each other is here. I have access to their pussy, they gave access to a warm place and money. The arrangement is as old as time. The lesson is knowing what you will tolerate. This is not your life. You don't live like them. 

Understand it this way. If your friend of a friend of a friend gets you an invite to a yacht party, and you get to glimpse how the 1% lives, you're gonna have a great day. But eventually you go back to your shitty pleb life. That millionaire will NEVER come and live your life, despite what movies would have you believe. Well, class structure exists for a reason. The dangerous and decrepit world is no different to me than the superior lifestyles of the rich and famous. Know that both are out of your realm. Swing your dick for a while, but know to go home.


  1. I'm going to call her "Boots" until someone corrects me. But anywhere, Boots seems to be a bit more docile than Justice. Maybe even especially so now. I'm glad you are feeling better, I'm sure I'm not the only one who was checking each day for a new post. Justice looks good, or better than I had imagined.

  2. Good to see a playful Justice. Indeed. she's looking - contrary to my expectations too - in fine fettle.

  3. I read of the new illicit-drugs scourge in the USA of 'tranq' (xylazine; a vetinary sedative) - that's considerably more harmful/deadly, even, than fentanyl (and is mixed with fetty). I do hope your 'regulars' - those we know here - don't take it.


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