I though I could deal with Death.

 The anthropomorphization of death is an easy way for us to deal with the abstraction of loss. You can't reason with the abstraction, but you can have an argument with a skull. You can deal with the five separate stages of grief far better than Hamlet lamenting what's left of his friend resting in the palm of his hand. 

I tried saying women in the tradition set down through the generations. Find a girl you like, hope she likes you, ask her out on some dates, and hope it doesn't lead to heartbreaks and financial ruin. Pay for everything, pay for time, pay with money, pay with vindictiveness and hatred, be cast aside for a better model with more potential. Or maybe I'm just that hard to deal with. A girl won't want you if she doesn't respect you. Maybe I should have taken that swing at the other guy, stood my ground, fought harder, tried harder, done better....

Or maybe I should never have discovered that after crying myself to sleep night after night over these girls that would callously dump me for better men, I learned the true meaning of population diversity. There's plenty of women out there. Don't spend more than a single moment on a girl that doesn't immediately want you too. 

.I happened upon an attractive girl that fucked and sucked me for forty dollars. That changed my life. I couldn't believe it! Why was I breaking my back over these regular girls? 

I learned that it takes zero effort to have sex with women. 

Once this key concept is understood, you can then develop a relationship not based on sex, desire, or appearances. The traditional dating customs are completely jettisoned. I am not motivated by sex any longer. Looks are relegated to being a prerequisite for any woman wanting me. They would balk at the idea, thinking "who the hell is this guy?" but if this idea spreads, then women will have to rely on now than looks. They will have to actually develop a personality, learn a skill, become useful, or entertaining. They will have to match the effort of men. This is not too say that my ego has been inflated. Quite the opposite. This only means that I no longer fawn over women, or be willing to capitulate to their every whim in order for their legs to spread for me. That obstacle no longer exists. 

I may be picking low hanging fruit, or even in some cases picking them up off of the ground, but once you learn that sure some apples are better than others, they're still apples. When I'm plowing some tart on my couch, one hole is as good as the next. Let the world think what they will of me. Eight billion people all got here because of a whole lot of fucking, and I have just as much of a right to contribute to that number as anyone by hook or by crook.

The old adage that you can't turn a whore until a housewife is a cautionary tale. They are to normal women as a thornbush is to plants.

Yesterday, a girl made me wait too long, so I took off and ignored her texts asking why I left and asking if I still wanted too, that she could get a ride. She's a lousy fuck, so who cares. 

Another girl today is asking to meet up, but it's too cold. I just want to hibernate.


  1. Maybe I am misreading the underlying intent here... but does this mean Justice is no longer with us?

    1. No. She's fine and recovering from an illness. I didn't mean to sound misleading. I didn't get into details, as I trailed off into a tangent, but I was going to talk more about a girlfriend that had passed years ago, and how I never really got over it, even if at one point I thought I did. Which I think led me to screwing cheap women and avoiding building lasting and meaningful relationships. ie, taking the easy way out and going with the simple option.
      Thanks for asking,

    2. My wife died in 2017 and i basically do the same now. No relationships

    3. 2017 is the year I also lost her.

    4. I'm sorry to learn of the loss you mention. Thank you for sharing the fact of it. I think one of the best wisdoms from the annals of bereavement counselling is that we may never really 'get over' a loss (where there's been grieving: the natural human response to the breaking of a connection to something loved/precious); rather, we learn to grow around it, incorporating it into our ongoing, forever changed and changing, personhood. However slow this may be, the pace is normal for oneself; for we all grieve and develop with losses in our own ways; we shouldn't look to any yardstick for (the culturally normative concept of) 'getting over it''. And integral to growing around the loss are whatever behavioural emergences as may be seen; we have to be kind over judging ourselves for them.


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