Life doesn't pause for anyone.

 I've been trying to stay from women while Justice is sick in the hospital. This is all I will say about that. Girls don't care. Half a dozen hit me up daily only for me to reject them. Sure, it would be great to fuck these girls some more, and I actually did fuck two? The Cousin and one other out of depression. The Cousin tricked me again. Saying she wanted dinner and to talk. Lies. Just wanted money, so after we ate at a nice restaurant where I wasted my time showing her houses and making plans of any sort, she said she wanted money. This means, she's getting it whether I fuck her or not. The deal still stands. She wants $100, and I want a video. I don't really want the videos, that was originally a deterrent. However, I've slowly built a library of her over these years. One day I may release them. 

For now, the only one on my mind is Justice. 


  1. What's going on with Justice?

  2. your link from PH is broken or somthing. redirects to google

    1. I see that. I have no idea why it's doing it. Pornhub is absolutely terrible about these things. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

  3. Where can I find more blogs like this? I am weirdly facinated by your mongering and wish I could do the same.

    1. I have no idea. Penthouses letters? That's what influenced me. I used to read about how wealthy Sultans would hire beautiful people to fuck in front of them because they didn’t like watching TV. Another story detailed the time a man came home to find his wife fucking his best friend. Without hesitation, he stripped, joined in, and they spit roasted her. That may give me that casual, cavalier attitude I have about sex.

  4. That evident care and concern from you over Justice is commendable. I guess she has few other people, if any, in her life that gives a rat's arse about her welfare. I hope she is well soon.

  5. Sub lease some of those girls to me-the Miami guy

    1. If you can't get laid in Miami, then walk into the ocean and never return. That city is dripping with pussy.

    2. lol I’ll keep looking


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