The parade continues.

 I should have known better. Yes, she is sexy, but nothing kills the mood faster than a bitch. She may not be a dead fish, but she is one step up from that. Came over, and immediately said that there’s someone waiting for and that she is in a hurry. I ignore this, this is common for girls to say. She immediately strips and jumps on the bed, naked, ass up. I enthusiastically climb on top of her. After about a minute, I start to get really hard, and then she lets out a holler complaining about how she forgot something. I am dumbfounded , and my dick goes immediately soft. From there, it’s just a lot of huffing and puffing on her part telling me how patient she is with me as I mostly jerk it off, Sticking it in here whenever I like. At this point, I’m gonna be half mast the whole ride. Her whole attitude sucks and I wish she didn’t come over. I eventually manage to cum, but I'd be just as happy home alone. If I get horny later, I got the fake pussy, for which these days seems only to be relegated to emergencies. Emergencies that were originally intended to keep me from women like her! This makes day number five and woman number five. at this point, I need an underground bunker with no communication to the outside world...other than Internet. She’s pushy, and insist on it. This is a reminder that I need to keep my distance from her, even though she was asking if she could stay over tomorrow. Not a chance in a snowball hell!

On a side note: As you can see in the picture, she is eating a cupcake. This is my decoy food. She still went into the freezer and found the ice cream and who else knows what she might’ve grabbed. She wanted to dig into the crockpot full of food that I’m cooking, but I told her it wasn’t ready. Always keep cheap, easily within reach decoy food. These girls will raid you pantry, fridge and even the oven. Unless they grab the candy bars, and cupcakes laying helpless on the countertops. This is also a good way of deterring then from asking to go out to eat. You wait for them to fill up on junk food, and then offer to take them to a nice restaurant. they will always say no. You look good, and they feel as if they missed out on a good thing because they shove a bunch of your food in their mouth without asking.on the off chance that they would say yes, go out and have a nice dinner! Don’t let it stress you. Most likely they will want fast food anyway. Most of them don’t have teeth in which to chew, which has the unfortunate devastating social effect of  self inflicted guilt and shame. I am not recommending that you exploit these traits. All I’m saying is that the lesson that they should ask first before raiding the pantry should be driven home, with the only potential collateral damage being a nice dinner out with her.


  1. A wonderful description of you stategically using decoy food with these girls. Had me smiling throughout its read.

  2. The dead fish and the bitch. Such valid classification terms. Sadly too often applicable, one or the other. And yeh, the bitch is the worst. And doesn't your heart and dick just sink, as soon as you recognise youve paid for bitch; for after the first signs of a bitch, you just know that you've wasted your money and will have a truly rubbish experience. At least with the dead fish, you can kinda desperately draw on your imagination to try to salvage something of the wanting business, as you give it your all (in the absence of any effort from the girl).

    1. These are not descriptors of their character. Just their attitude at a snapshot in time. I will undoubtedly fuck both of them again. Each time I do, they are different. For example: the dead fish in my bed Just yesterday sucked and fucked me in my car in a semi busy parking lot for 20 bucks. She has an absolute porn star ass, and I failed to take a picture of it. I don’t particularly like car sex. Raises my fight or flight response too much. The girls never give a shit. They will fuck you right in public. so you see, it’s my fault she was a dead fish. They get very comfortable when they’re here.

    2. Sure; there's gonna be both varying interactional/situational/mood and enduring trait contributors to how the girls are in a particular session. Not the least, of the former, their current state of drug intake. More than once I've had a street-girl abandon me mid bj; they scurry off and buy their fix with the cash I've given them, because they were 'rattling' so badly (which they can be good at concealing, when looking for business). And, of course, fix-urgency has them wanting to get the sex over with asap, thus they'll try to direct the punter to the nearest (barely) possible location - dangerous for assorted reasons. You're not wrong: they don't give a damn. Glad you managed to animate the sometime dead fish; and what a bargain: for $20. You timed it right.

  3. A woman being a bitch definitely kills the mood. 4 years ago I started banging a homeless female panhandler that was easy going and pleasant to be around. We fucked for several months with no issues until she got on drugs and then her pleasant demeanor changed big time. She started giving me attitude and demanding more money. I gradually started seeing her less and less until I finally said forget it.

  4. ive actually heard streetwalkers say to act like a bitch to get more money.


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