All weekend fuck fest!

 I never talk about sex openly. I don't kiss and tell. I guess this is my outlet for that sort of thing. So, I kissed, now I'll tell. I hadn't heard from Justice for a couple days. It was her birthday and is expecting too see her. Instead, she was escorting, with her ad reading "independent - no boyfriend."


I picked up the cousin because she have a sob sorry that she was under a bridge in the rain. I'm slipping. I'm starting to bribe the bullshit these girls tell me. Remember, they come over, do drugs, fuck me, and leave. The pattern repeats, and doors not change. For instance. I'm typing this whole sitting in a cafe', having just fucked the blonde. She said she wanted to come swimming, and it's currently 82 degrees. Next thing you know, she shows up at the site without a bikini. We fuck, I get it on video, and she demands $100. I argued a little, but capitulated rather than continue to argue with an increasingly antagonistic provocateur.

The previous day, as I stated, had me driving home with the cousin. Not long after we arrived, Justice showed up. There is mountains of animosity between these two jilted women. Justice demanded $80 and a ride home. I gave it to her, dropped her off, then... Yeah I fucked the cousin. Got a video of that too.


  1. You better keep some Narcan on hand because it’s just a matter of time before one of these women OD at your place and you’ll have a hard time explaining this away to the police. Buddy of mine had one OD and die in his bathroom. He got a year in jail with 5 years probation

    1. It is impossible to live in my state without breaking at least five laws simultaneously at any given moment. You are under the impression That I accept what they are doing. I don’t. I hate it. I tell them all the time not to do it here. They go in the bathroom and my control ends there. Just the other day, the cousin was smoking Fetty in the bathroom! I was furious about it. I don’t want it anywhere near me because I don’t want her over here for a long time reason she may come back is that over time I forgive and forget.

  2. Love your content not really for the pics (I’m straight) but your posts are entertaining to read and well written I think you have potential to write a novel found your blog while browsing PHub please post more this month Jay ❤︎︎

    1. Thanks. Eloquence pays in dividends. I have a link to this telegram channel with more stuff, though I haven't decided what to do with it yet.


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