Are you reading me?

 I get steadily fucked from a choice of a dozen women at a time. This is not bragging. This is explaining that I live in a city with a lot of drug addicts and the poor, who are willing to sell pussy to get through the day. I'm entirely taking advantage of them. 

I've had trouble sleeping the last few nights. Early this morning, one was up. After I texted her and talked a little, she said she was at a bus station. I picked her up. I have been with her on numerous occasions. Today was no different. Took her home and I got rid of my blue balls and morning wood in one go. 

There's been some horrible advice lately in the comments. Let me chime in by saying that you'll never get anywhere if you think you can just go up and offer these girls a lot of money to come with you. 

This is not a matter of persistence. It's a matter of establishing relationships. Familiarity, dependability, and trust. You don't go up to a homeless women and offer her money to bend over and let you bang her up the ass. Offer her a cigarette, tell her your name, and ask how she's doing. I NEVER offer them anything. I allow them the opportunity to ask me. When you ask how they are doing, they will rant on about themselves. When they say, "I could really use some money," I then ask, you wanna do something?" If they don't offer to do something, or say no to this question, then that's it. Try again later. If they say yes...

Then we fuck. 


  1. thanks for the advice. I'm the Miami guy that has been striking out with these women. Do you per chance live in Philadelphia, Kensington? I see a lot of videos of the drug addicts there and women giving up pussy for money

  2. Will we see a vid of this one ?

  3. Can’t wait to see the video

  4. I do have a video, It’s a 360° video, so it’s still one that I have to convert among many others.


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