Appointments and aggravation.

 She was the one that made the appointment. Didn't remember the time. Said she'd be outside in five minutes. kept me waiting for 20 before finally answering my call and telling me to forget it just go home, she couldn’t find the right paperwork. Literally 10 seconds after I sent a text saying to go fuck herself she said she found it and she’ll be out in a minute. 

she brought her gay friend with her, who we ended up just dropping down the road anyway. she wanted to go to my house first, but I was not going to have it. We did have some time so I wanted to take her to Burger King for an ice cream before heading over to the Rmv. She went into the bathroom there for about 15 minutes I had already finished eating my ice cream before she came out, and buy then I was so pissed off, I didn't get her anything. I told her it was time to leave. She started with her bullshit because she was pissed she didn’t get anything. it never crossed her mind that she kept me waiting and waiting.

after a little more arguing, we finally made it to the Rmv and she finally got ID, they are going to send in the mail. So, again for me the moral the story  here is...more waiting.

Of course, she came over to my house and fucked me. she wants that $80, which is now standard every time we get together. Since we got our ID for 25 and another duplicate for 25 more because were both worried that she’s too much of an idiot to not lose it. I had already spent $50, so she only charged me $70. Lucky me. 


  1. Does this mean that there will be a few uploads soon? That's progress at least, it's hard to expect much from a crackhead in way of organization right?

    1. I've been steadily making videos. But pornhub added more rules just yesterday. So, I will soon have to process those vids and consider posting them to other sites. Pornhub pays the most, but they're not with it. It's run but Greg Abbott.

  2. dude you are getting off so cheap. I'm offering 200 to 300 and STILL get rejected by these druggies

    1. I am well aware that I pay next to nothing. There are high rollers out there that are more than likely disgusted at my petty budget restrictions. Just yesterday, I had to turn down the cousin because I didn't want to drop another $100. I wish I could afford these things, but we all have our own financial limitations.
      The point of this whole site is to help men to NOT be rejected. Email me at and explain what happened, and why you think you keep being rejected.
      The "price point" is irrelevant. I knew an escort that would do a $200 date, then blow a guy for$20. When asked about it, she said, "hey, it's 20 bucks!" They don't care. It's all about the first rule: drugs come first.
      I never pay what they ask online. I bargain hunt. Ask if they'll do it cheaper. For me it's quantity, not quality. I one fucked a hot Spanish chick with bolt ons on a dirty mattress in the basement of her family home. Doesn't matter to me. So, again, I don't know the circumstances. Hard to nail down what you are doing wrong.

  3. For $200-$300 what are you looking for from these chicks? Maybe the price point you are offering is what is scaring them away.

    1. I'm definitely looking for sex. Maybe you're right about the price point. Didn't know starting out high would scare them away. Maybe its my approach

    2. Where are you finding them? If online just pay what they ask and give them a tip if the session is good. If on the street be cool, ask if they want to "get outta here for awhile" or something like that. Your prices sound too good to be true, ya know what I mean? Like to them either you are a cop or you plan on doing some wild off brand shit to them.

    3. I find them in random places like parks, intersections and near a homeless shelter here in Miami. I guess you're right about offering too much up front. Also, I may look like a cop like you said. I'm fit and clean cut. thanks for the advice

    4. Keep in mind that as the owner of this blog, I have control over the comments. I don't care what people write. Jjust don't think that its always me responding. I'm not the one giving advice here. It's not always good advice. If you can't get laid in Miami, you have a problem. Go on skip the games and offer some girl you like $100. It's that simple.

  4. I honestly don't know where you find the patience for that bullshit. I would have moved on from her a long time ago. She is just ungrateful.

    1. I would have moved on, but girls like her don't let me go. They don't just go away. She knows that all she has to do is show up at my door wearing a miniskirt and all is forgiven.

  5. The cousin has slowly taken over 1st place from Justice for me.


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