The week in review.

 Since that escapade with that suit in the car, I've had several more encounters. I visited the cousin in her tent with her oblivious, abusive, older boyfriend. She tells him this story that I come around because I care about her, but left out the part where I put as much semen into her as her sweet pussy can extract from my balls. We left him to go replace a propane tank they use to stay warm. I first drove her to my house to inseminate her. 

The next morning, the blonde stopped over and fucked me. Morning wood still intact. Later that day, the brunette came over, gave me a lap dance, then fucked me silly. 

A couple days later, the redhead visited. She, like the blonde, loves my dick massages. We went for Brazilian food after.

Good times. 

Tonight I fucked the short girl with the big tits, and immediately after dropping her off, the calls started coming in. The first one I was supposed to meet now wants to see me. Then her sister texted wanting to meet me. Then Kay texted back, a hot one with Big tits. There brunette texted saying her man finally died. Then the cousin called saying she left her advising man in the tent. I went to pick her up. She asked to stay for the night. She made me wait an hour and a half for her dealer to show. Now she's in my bathroom. I don't want to fuck, but she's so sexy, my dick won't listen to reason. 

A lot happening. To others. I'm fine. I'll fuck some more and go back to work as usual.


  1. This is the 1st time I caught a post hot off the press. I find myself checking this blog more and more. Good stuff here and on PH.

  2. When is your next video

    1. New rules have made uploads harder. A lot of the girls I see done have acceptable forms of government IDs, and can't get their shit together. So, I need to work out a few kinks veggie I add more videos. I am still making videos in the meantime. So, no date set for the next one, but it will be a massive dump 💩 when I do.

    2. I have been considering it. The same laws apply. The videos on pornhub all seem to act as a gateway to paid or subscription based sites like onlyfans. If I were to follow the business model of everyone else on pornhub, you would only get a couple minutes of each video, but then have to pay for the full video on a separate site. Sometimes I think porn hub is nothing but a bunch of highlight reels. Who the hell pays for porn?

    3. Damn bro maybe you could still sale your vids for fee directly to consumers like myself I would be even willing to pay for you to set up a play for me

    4. Make me an offer I can't refuse

  3. you should vlog all this and do voice overs n shyt... a netflix deal would be around the corner

    1. Sounds like a cool idea. I don't show my face for a good reason. I understand porn. No one looks at the guy. No one wants to see it.


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