I was in the neighbourhood

 We all need shit at Walmart. So, I thought it was a callous move for them to bulldoze the tent city that cropped up next to the store. We can argue the ethics of a capitalist society failing the plebians as the wealth is consolidated among a handful of unworthy recipients so rich that they can only piss their money away on dick rockets of ever increasing size.

The tents were still inconspicuously in the area, but now they are not an unsightly stain on our fair city. In one of these tents resides the cousin, having returned to her abusive, older boyfriend. He's not as old as me, but she does like to fuck older men. She said it's just a number, but I quipped to her lover that banging a girl in her 20's has it's perks. I thought to myself, "even one like here with so much milage." He has three children with two other ladies, and she has three as well from another man. That would be an odd family reunion. 

I came to check up on them, having heard some rumors and news to share. She immediately jumped at the chance to do a date with me and told him that the two of us were going to the store. He agreed, though I suspect that he knows we are fucking on a regular basis. I have no qualms over sharing pussy. As long as I get my time with her sweet ass, I don't care what she does with it when I'm through.

She wanted to pull over and do a fast fuck in the car, but I brought her home. I know she steals like a Kleptomaniac, and raids the fridge, but I look the other way and think of it as dishonest charity. She lives in a tent with a deadbeat. That deadbeat gets young, primo pussy whenever he wants it for nothing. Good for him, but I'm taking my share of the spoils. 

There is no greater joy in life for me than burying my face in her ass and eating her out. She doesn't react much, but she lets me do it until I've had enough. I then fuck her and leave as big a load as I can for him to find. She tries to wash it out in the tub, so it's a bit of a game. Still haven't knocked her up. Then again, I guess I would be the odd one out at that family reunion if I do!

This arrangement has been going on for weeks. Just like with the brunette. However, her POS boyfriend died, and she's not being pimped out by a couple that's letting her stay with them in exchange for her half her money from dates. This "friend" is pimping here hard on the online scene. Half the town is fucking her now. 

I guess that's just how it goes.


  1. Why is it you don't disclose the location of your gold mind of available hoes? le? competition from the swarm of hard dicks that would follow? other? i live in a city where the limited number of hoes, even crack and meth heads, weigh160 lbs+ and want $200+ a very short "hour". You're getting hoes with decent bods and good rate in a location where they appear to be plentiful.

    1. To disclose my location is irrelevant and counterproductive to what I'm posting. I can go to your location and find the same pussy. You just need to understand how to interact with drug addicts. You are in the position of power, not them. If you don't like the price, find someone else. I have developed a rapport with them. They may only get 60 from me, but they feel safe, get fed, well fucked, and I'm predictable. They would rather see me than a random.

  2. Lol I don't think I wanna know. I would end up doing exactly what he is doing. And I'm trying to slow down.

  3. You can create a private telegram group to post the sex videos on w.o having to force the girls to get their IDs btw.
    This guy does it - https://t.me/FiendHunterTV

    1. huh? Are you one of those crack holes in disguise?


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