Viagra can fuck off.Her mouth felt like old leather. After I convinced her to take the condom off, she tried to get me hard but her technique was fantastic
Her mouth felt like old leather. After I convinced her to take the condom off, she tried valiantly to get me hard. Her technique was fantastic, but her mouth was rough. It just wasn’t happening. After a few attempts, even trying to ride me, I was just pushing rope. She got up to use the phone. Eventually, while still on the phone, she lay back down. I was already jerking of with some lube, so I slid in and blew my load in her. This was not exactly the first impression I wanted to make.
You see, I got bored at work and wanted company. I want particularly horny, but I figured I'd get there. None of my usual contacts were responding, so I drove through a post of town frequented by prostitutes. I ran into that girl with the nice pussy wrapped around a total bitch. She was with some sexy girl I hadn't seen before. She could tell right away that I wanted to fuck her friend. So I cash apped her $20, her friend got in the car and we drove home. She was pretty talkative, and we got along pretty well, but obviously she wanted to go out on the porch. They all do. She was kind of getting me worked up shaking her ass on my dick, even started taking my clothes off and fooling around with her. that’s when I started getting hard. Then she walked out into the cold porch and started smoking. By then my dick lost interest. Eventually she came back in, and we started fooling around, but then she wanted me to wear a condom. I complied, but the condom just kills my dick every time. For $20 more she agreed to take it off, but by then my dick was kind of uninterested. She tried getting on top, we tried fucking, then she got on her phone as I said earlier, and eventually I was able to jerk it off and bust a nut in her. we talked for a good while after then so it was kind of nice, but it would’ve been even nicer if I could’ve pounded it. I would have too if she didn’t keep killing the dick. When I get hard I’m ready to go, if the girl plays these goofy games then my dick becomes uninterested. It’s not all her fault. These days you could papa Viagra and be ready to go, but I don’t want to do that. I figure if I can’t get hard on command, that’s natural and most people don’t fuck as much as I do. I would take a break, but these other girls keep hitting me up. The brunette wanted to come over tonight, but I didn’t respond to her. As long as I get my cum in their pussy, I'm happy.
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