I think I fuck too much!

 Only because this lifestyle... Meaning anyone who likes to get laid, can cost a lot if you don't keep to a budget. Last Friday, I fucked the blonde and the homeless brunette. Same day. 

Then I made the horrible decision of taking the brunette out to buy a costume for her kid. I told her she didn't have to steal, but she did anyway,  prompting me to leave the store after spending $80. Another $60 for a duck session and more dumb unreturnable shit, and the plan was for her to show up for a ride the next day. 

So I waited. 1 1/2 hours later she shows up. She then has the nerve to complain that I was not ready to leave because I was not dressed to go. She completely forgets that she was late by 1 1/2 hours. This led to a big fight. Most of our problems are caused by our own bad decisions. This is no different. Her life sucks mostly because of her decisions. The situation I find myself in are largely my fault.

After I dropped her off to her family, I went and fucked the blonde. The next day the Cousin hit me up. That was a great fuck session. When they go into the bathroom just leave them be. They are cleaning themselves. Let them because you have no idea what goofy shit they’ve been up to. Let her shower and scrub that shit clean. It was worth the wait because I went down on her for a while. Her pussy has a tendency to squeeze on your fingers which is really nice. I left a load in her and dropped her back off at her tent with her family.

The next day was Halloween. I had plans to go out but got lazy and changed my mind. So I hit up an old flame and for 60 bucks I  blew a load in her. She and I have been fucking for years and we both know each other pretty well sexually. There is a comfort in that.

The blonde started texting that she wanted to see me but I told her no not tonight. She kept insisting and I told her no. She showed up at my door and buzzed and knocked, but I ignored her. I warned her before not to do that. Like the brunette, She thinks she can just show up at the door and demand money. You have to cut that thinking off fast. 

I’ve been too lazy lately to make a video, but I need to get on that. I need to clear a lot of space off my phone and I’ve been prolonging this task.


  1. yea man we're waiting on another video or at least take some pics of you banging them and put it on these blogs

  2. Love your content. Don’t be lazy!😂 your fans are waiting! Hope you have a great night.


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