I don't get it.

 The brunette insisted on coming over last night. So I fucked her, gave her 60, and she went home. The blonde has been bugging me all day to come over. She wanted me to pick her up. I told her I wanted to go home, easy, watch a movie, and relax. A few hours later, and she calls to let me know she's on her way over. I don't understand why they are so tenacious. Sure, the money is there, but not so frequent. I treat them well, but I'm the scene of things, they could be high class escorts. Especially the blonde. I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, butt one does wonder why they bother. She's had to drive clear across town. Maybe it's the knowledge that she's gonna get enough money for what she needs, and she says she likes when I rub her down. Something her boyfriend wasn't thrilled about. 

One night, she told me she was pregnant, then her very next sentence was that she got it aborted. Now, I'm all for abortion, but that's a shitty thing to tell a guy. I distanced myself from her  for a long time after that, but she kept persisting. I don't know why. Even today, I am disinterested in her at best. Sex with her was always difficult. She has a weird leg injury that limits her positions. She hurries me along, complains, acts like she's on a big hurry (here dealer is waiting is the standard bullshit excuse), the list goes on. It's not fun. The brunette is not as attractive, but I can fuck her all day long. My dick gets rockhard and has the time of its life. The blonde is a different matter. Maybe it’s because she’s younger, a typical addict, who knows. Maybe it’s me, but I get bored of fucking her halfway through. Hopefully when she gets here, things will go well. 

...ok, So, the same shit. She knocked on the door, I let her in,  rushes into the bedroom saying she had only 15 minutes. Ingredient, my dick loses interest. It's such a dick killer to be rushed. My dick isn't a machine. I rubbed her down, but I want even hard yet before she was rushing me to fuck. It's a weird mind bender, because she's 30 yr old blonde with a great ass. I start fucking her, and after a bit I paused for the briefest of moments. She looks at me wide eyed asking if I came. I exhaled a sigh. My dick wasn't having it. She blew me a couple times, and was patient to a point, but Ii was mostly hurting on rope. She's just not a turn on. How do I tell her that? I'm just not interested in her. So, I tuned her out and concentrated on coming. A little lube, and a lot of fist pumping and I managed to stick it in her pussy and blow my load in her. She then drive me to the ATM, and demanded $80. 

If you told a 14 ye old me that I'd consider a bad day having to fuck a hot blonde, I would be in shock. To understand this, check out this hot blonde from my dad's secret stash when I was a kid. See the enthusiasm. This is lacking in the blonde, who actually suffers from the same things as most hot girls. They're tuned out, and don't know how to connect. In her specific case, we are never going to connect, because she's already got her mind on rushing off to her dealer before she even walks through the door. I wouldn't care if she ever came over again. 

As for now, I can't fuck anyone for at least a couple days, the drive isn't there. I'm also depressed about losing that redhead in the tent. I've known her for years. With her, the was a connection. These connections take time to develop. That's why the brunette and I have such good sex. There's a familiarity. This blonde just doesn't get it. Her sexy body doesn't make up for her shitty attitude.  


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