A day is an eternity.

 These women want money. They will hassle me constantly. I compare them to food stalls in a busy market. If you eat something, you don't want anything. But they constantly bug you all day to buy more food. They are always there. Always trying to sell pussy. I have never been to Amsterdam, but I would think the women in the windows is similar. They are there waiting for when you are ready. 

I haven't had sex in a couple days. Didn't want to. No reason, just didn't want to. I got hit up by the different women. I ignore them. 

The iPhone makes transferring files EXTREMELY difficult. Unreliable, complicated. By comparison, Andy other phone used too either just swap chips, or plug in and transfer. I've reached capacity, and have to delete everything to make room. For me, this takes effort and time. Guess I better hop to it. I do have videos. I only have permission to share from two girls. Maybe eventually I could show a third. The videos of the cousin are hot.


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