What to do? Too many choices.
My dick and my wallet can only handle so much. I've decided to give that brunette half the income generated by pornhub. This is in addition to the money I already give her. Horner, this will stop her grubby, greedy, junkie hands from harassing me at every turn over it. It's starting to feel like the end of Goodfellas. Except that I've decided to pay her instead of... Well what they did. This will keep her happy and give me a few extra bucks for doing nothing. It also encourages her to make more vids with me,
Surprisingly, the hot young blonde with the sweet ass doesn't generate a lot of views for some reason. I dunno. She wants to fuck. Been hitting me up today, yesterday. As long as I can pay, she wants to fuck me. The problem is...I don't really like fucking her. Everything in nature states that she's a prime piece of ass. I'll call it junkie syndrome. I feel rushed, the chemistry isn't there, she's not affectionate. These qualities matter to me. Looks alone don't take you far.
The short one with the big tits wants to fuck today. I told her I would, but I don't like to fuck her either. She always pushes me away a little saying it hurts. She warms up to a cock in her eventually, but but then she has killed my hard on and now it's a chore. Her teeth are all rotted too, so kinda don't want to kiss that mess. Her tits are saggy. She in no way is as sexy as she used to be. I would vigorously slam her ass if she was 20 again, but she's used up. I can't tell her any of that. So I fuck her on rare occasions and make her feel beautiful.
I put the blonde of until tomorrow, I'll bang Bigtits, and when the brunette comes calling, I'll give her the money and get that albatross off my back.
I just hope that short Ecuadorian doesn't hit me up.
Wow! I wish I had these problems. Simply getting too much pussy