We all live an insane daily grind.

 We all live an insane daily grind. I get up today, go to work, go home, fuck somebody… Not sure who, eat something… Not sure what, watch something… Something random. Every day is it to be like this I don’t see any change. It’s not a bad life until your step away from it and take a look from a birdseye view. mostly because I woke up this morning tired knowing I have to go to work and I don’t want to cook when I get home. The best option I can come up with is to find some hot chick, invite her to get a bite to eat somewhere and then fuck her brains out. And then do the same thing again tomorrow.

Case in point, let me tell you what happened yesterday. As I was coming home from work the cousin texted me wanting to see me. Her life has spun way out of her control and it has become readily apparent when I picked her up she was acting all kind of crazy. 

Now, I don't need to visually document every sexual encounter. That would be nice but I haven't whipped out my camera every time I whipped out my dick. 

Long story short, her baby daddy followed my car in his all the way back to the tent city where I dropped her off to her boyfriend. 

Now, as of writing this one day has passed. Both the cousin and the blonde hit me up. The cousin called, and we fucked again. She made some excuse that she needed drugs before she goes into a program. Normally this is bullshit, but I think that she wants to go in there because she said her latest boyfriend in the tent just checked in. So it is plausable. Doesn’t matter anyway. Doctor and dropped her off.

Later that night, the blonde was knocking at my door for a good solid four minutes before I finally answered. It was hard to get it up, because I just fucked the cousin, But with a little focus and determination, I managed to bust a nut in her too.

They both demanded 80, after to agreeing to 60, So buyer beware. 


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