I'm jealous of your jealousy

This girl's man is upset that she's
not making videos with him instead.

Her man thinks he can control her. 

I can't steal them away and keep them for myself.
They love their men, I suppose.

There's an insanely jealous boyfriend
out there who can't deal with this.

 8 have no reason to be jealous of anyone. One of the side effects of being single. Perk? Benefit? I'm not sure. My emotions my remain neutral in all affairs. Thinking back on the cousin, a girl I've known since she was a child, and leaving her in a tent with a bunch of violent dealers, knotting she's got rotting teeth, skinny, a bad drug habit, and that her life is a mess. The other cousin I don't fuck is in just as bad a situation. Personally, I know there's nothing I can do about it. I also know that the father of this girl's children is spinning around on the floor like Curly from the stooges. His jealousy is at peak madness. She texted him that she was at my place fucking me. He has some way of tracking her phone. He then knew where I brought her. 

I don't feel anything. I actually didn't think about her at all until I woke up this morning. None of us feel connected to anyone. Random strangers pass by us and we don't care who they are, or where they are going. These women are all strangers, not because I don't allow them to create some kind of bond, but because none have every wanted one. I wake up alone. Some of these girls line in tents, some with sugar daddies, abusive boyfriends, of even alone under a loading doc of an abandoned factory. They don't wake up next to me. 

For years I lived with a drug addict. I done need that kind of chaotic drama. Even if I was with someone, I have shed the adolescent emotion of jealousy. Most men retain this emotion and get some wife or partner, and then divorce or become domestically violent, because they refuse to accept the reality that monogamy is not a part of human nature. Monogamy is a discipline imposed on people. W simply weren't designed that way. To have one partner for life is not biologically natural. It is only good for keeping a family unit intact. With even that notion, we live in extended families. Our courts are filled with drama, as the judges work out which family should be responsible for whoever fucked who. 

Yet I still wake up with cats, have a coffee, and think three things. What do want to do today, what do I want to eat, and who do I want to fuck? These women choose to be in relationships with someone other than me. Those men are now forced to deal with their shit. It doesn't bother me that these girls fuck other men. There is a small part of my lizard like brain that does feel a little jealous and possessive. This is only a natural feeling of wanting a girl for your own. Three girls get up to some truly nasty shit, compromised by traumatic lives. Like the rest, I take my turn with them, and go home.


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