Two women is two much.

Two girls is a lot to handle for one dick. It's not necessary. However, never miss an opportunity for strange. I love new, hot pussy. Becky knows this. That's why she sat on the porch and let me bust a nut in her friend. That's twice I have now fucked her friend. The floodgates are now open. Her friend said she didn't want me cumming in her every time, but guess what? Yeah, my little soldiers are swimming up the creek as I type this. 

I picked up my girl, we then went to her friend's tent. Her friend lives in a tent with her boyfriend. However, her boyfriend is in the hospital for at least the next month for a cardiac problem, probably endocarditis, due to using a dirty needle shooting up.  His loss is my dick's gain. 

W came back to the house, one went to the porch, the other let me pound that sweet pussy. I look at women as stewards of a glowing golden treasure kept between their legs. All men are trying to get this treasure, but women keep hold of it at all times, doling small amounts out as they see fit.

Fuck this girl a couple more times, and now she knows she can come to me for money, food, shelter, clothes, things she needs. She will never leave the deadbeat. So for me, I now have a new adventure for treasure hunting. I have new pussy. Not that I need it. I'm neglecting the pussy I already have. There are girls that winter why they haven't heard from me, or why I make such little effort to see them. A woman's ego is counterprogrammed to this behavior. They are used to being pursued by men. They don't know what to make of men like me that found the secret. The secret that we need not make barely any effort, when pussy is in abundance. 


  1. longjohnsilver1991August 7, 2023 at 7:21 PM

    If you're giving her money or food or favors, she has know say over whether you nut in her or not. That is YOUR pussy. She should be grateful to have you bust a fat load. Keep up the good work champ, and loving the blog!

    1. On this we disagree. Women always retain the right to their own bodies. It is always their pussy. It doesn’t take much to coax them to acquiesce to your requests, but never demanded and certainly not by force.
      To see my point, you only have to put yourself in their shoes. Just because some guy gives you a candy bar doesn’t mean he gets to fuck you in the ass.


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