What the fuck happened? George Carlin died and took sarcasm and satire with him! This world is drained of any bravery against social bullshit. It started with the faggots. I bet you all cringed at reading that. Kids online scream racist at any word they think describes someone. They balked when I described a short player as a midget! A fucking midget. The problem is not the language. The problem is this brainless generation that blindly accepts these social conditions without questioning it challenging anything deemed unacceptable. They never ask the questions 

Who is upset?

Why are they today?

And why the fuck should I care?

This is social oppression scaled to 1984 levels, controlled but evangelicals pushing their agenda on us all. This is not an exaggeration. Observe:

Under the Onlyfans terms of service:

  1. causes or is calculated to cause inconvenience, or anxiety to anyone else or which is likely to upset, embarrass, or cause serious offence to anyone else;
How do you regulate that?!? Texans already need Greg Abbott's permission for an abortion. He took it to an extreme. Now you need his permission to jack off!

It gets worse. 

These were entire categories, especially piss videos! Now they are banned?!? 
  1. urine, scatological, or excrement-related material.

Here is the most fucked up confusing bullshit of all:
  1. firearms, weapons, or any goods whose sale, possession or use is subject to prohibitions or restrictions;
This is America. As I said, you can't be religious and NOT be a hypocrite. We can show violence in movies. Tom Cruise can shoot a dozen people. Perfectly fine. Stick a gun in a porno and your breaking some kind of morality law. 

I thought Iran went insane by actually having the "Morality Police". That's a real fucking thing! They are the ones that killed a woman for showing too much hair. That started a protest that went nowhere. 

This is happening in America folks. We have morality Police. They invaded all aspects of life, including porn. 

"Acceptable use policy." ACCEPTABLE TO WHO? Fuck you Big Brother! 


  1. Room 101 but it's filled with sexy naked women. That's my nightmare! Seriously though I'm sick of the moralist bullshit too.

    1. Do you see four naked women or five, Citizen?

    2. Four. The fifth was ugly.


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