No thanks.

 Last night, I turned down three separate girls for three separate reasons. The first is always a pain. She is the hot blonde. She is constantly trying to get me to do a date with her. Why don’t I? Surprisingly, fucking her is not a good time! She’s a bad lay. Your mind is at a war with your body. Your brain is telling you that this is a really sexy woman, but your body is telling you that the bitch won’t sit still, complains, rushes you and is thoroughly unpleasant. The only reason I ever fuck her is through attrition the bitch wears you down.

The second is similar. She just had a baby, and got fat. She likes being fat. Like her sister, she doesn’t enjoy sex. You think having a couple of sisters would be sexy. These girls actually are sexy. Their major problem is that they are self absorbed cunts who think the world owes then a debt of gratitude for existing. 

The third and final flawed bitch of the night is a girl that I just have no chemistry. She's a hot blonde with big tits. Unfortunately, she hasn’t been trained properly by whatever asshole got to her first. It’s like she freezes up into a diving board. She can’t seem to relax. There’s no chemistry. This was all the back of my mind with this girl called saying she needed money. She said she needed $55, the last of the rent owed. She claims that she's in a sober house and they charge $150 per week to stay there. Now this could be true, but it sounds like bullshit to me. How do they charge $600 rent to a bunch of women with no income trying to recover from drugs, and who’s ever only known one source of income? 

But this is not why I rejected the last girl. This is not why I rejected any of these girls. I fucked them all several times in the past. The reason I rejected the first two is because I’m tired of their shitty attitudes and bad lays. They are too self absorbed. This third, I rejected her because she was being stupid. 

This has lately become a thing, where after they keep bugging you to go see them, you relent and then they won’t give you an address. If they act stupid or tell you they’re between one street and another, Don’t bother. Either get a location of a building like a house or a business, or don't go.

My absolute rule is to pretend you are an Uber. If these dumbasses call an Uber, and give the same stupid directions, they won't get picked up. Tell me where you are, or leave me alone.


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