I fall for it every single time.

In no way do I want anyone to think that I am some kind of pimp or playboy. I'm just a John, a trick. Nothing more. I'm a nice trick, Soo they like fucking me. They still manage On occasion to pull one over on me. Tonight, she calls me, despairingly pleading for me to come get her out of the pouring rain. Within ten minutes, I am there. She then said she needs 40 to stay the night, but that we wouldn't have to go anywhere. They could come to her. Then she needed cigarettes. We get to the house, and she heads straight for the porch to smoke crack. Then she comes in and is already making plans to get her shit. Plans change, so we now have to be quick.....

Is this bullshit sounding familiar to you by now? Here's the twist. Now, after I went to the ATM with her, she's demanding another $10. What's the big deal? It's only ten dollars right? Fuck this bitch. 

I tell her no, and she spins around the floor like Curly, all in a rage. Threatening, saying she wants to leave, calling her dealer and telling him I'm some cheap asshole. Said she's gonna suck some guy's dick tomorrow morning for $120. She does  me a favor not charging me so much. This is after she spent twenty minutes rambling and arguing about having a serious relationship. She is still trying to have me let her move in with me. I tried that once, and her boyfriend showed up after I left for work. They robbed me blind. I'll fuck her, but these days I  won't let her out of me sight. Even bringing up the notion of moving in illustrates the level of stupidity needed to baffle the mind of any rational person.

I dropped her off to someone already waiting for her. I don't care who. Off she goes. So...what did we learn? That's right. Only one thing. She tried getting more money out of me. She tried using every tactic she could muster. Why? C'mon, you should know. What's the rule? She's a fiend. 

Drugs come first.


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