Generosity is different from credulity
Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated. They will all try it in their own way, but similar tactics are used often enough to reveal patterns. I gave her $40 this morning through cash app. We had planned to meet later tonight, which we have. I drove out, picked her up, and went to a secluded spot.
She, of course, wanted more money. We had agreed on $20, which both of us knew was not realistic. She said she needed another 20. After the deed was done, She wanted to go to the store and get a couple things which came to around $17. Again this is all expected.
What wasn’t expected was that she pretended she had given me $20 for the things she wanted in the store. Then she thought the clerk took it, or that she forgot it on the counter. She stressed that she needed another $10. She needed $30 not 20 and wanted cigarettes on top of that. Now that she had lost the $20, she still needed another 10 and her back to the spot to drop herwhat wasn’t expected was that she pretended she had given me $20 for the things she wanted in the store. Then she thought the clerk took it, or that she forgot it on the counter. She stressed that she needed another $10. She needed $30 not 20 and wanted cigarettes on top of that. Now that she had lost the $20, she still needed another 10 and began to complain. I drove her back to the spot to drop her off. She wouldn’t stop with the lie. I told him not to turn this into a thing. Girls have done this to me in the past.
on rare occasions girls will demand more money. 10 or $20 at times. They will think what’s the big deal it’s only $10, it’s only $20. It is a big deal. They are trying to take you for a ride. There’s being generous, and then there’s being a sucker. One girl threaten to yell for the police if I didn’t give her $20. They were in view and she could make good on a thread, so I did. $20 is a cheap way to get out of trouble. Another girl threatened not to get out of the car until I gave her $20. So I kicked her out and drove off. It was a girl I knew well. We’ve since made up and she still gives me $20 hummers. She doesn’t give me bullshit though. She does try to get another 10 or 20 out of me, but that kind of thing is expected. These girls are poor and in vulnerable positions. They try to get away with what they can. These are nothing to get angry over, it’s like complaining you’re paying too much for tickets to a show. (Never buy from reseller sites, btw. Don't be a sucker.)
I refused to give her another $10. There’s a very important reason behind this. They try to say that it’s only $10. If that’s the case, why are they making such a big deal about it. we both knew she had that extra $20 she was hiding on her, and just trying to get 20 more. By now you should all know why. What’s the first rule? That’s right. Drugs come first. By trying to manipulate and fight with me to get more money, if she was successful, she could then get more drugs. And that is always what is on their minds.
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