Two for one
Where do I start? I was woken in the morning by... I'll make up two names. Bella and Ashley. They were both at the door and needed money. Bella waited on the porch as I fucked Ashley. Then they switched and I blow my second load in the other.
I need a Go-Pro or something. It started with them hanging out on the porch smoking. Ash wanted me to take a shower with her. Soo we started fucking in the shower, then the bed, then I blew my load in her. She went back out on the porch and Bella came in. She wanted some money too. I'm not giving something for nothing, so she took her turn and I blew my second load in her. I dropped them off after and went to work.
I done like unannounced visits, because I had somewhere to be. It all worked out, though. Cost me $60 each. What was I gonna do? They know then can hit me up in a pinch, but they also know if they called instead of showing up, I wouldn't go get them.
Later, as I was getting out of work, they asked me to pick them up again. Apparently, they sat in the woods this whole time waiting for me. I know, but that's what they told me. It was a torrential downpour, so I went and got them. I didn't want to, because I know what would happen.
Give a girl a place to stay, even for one night, and you'll be babysitting the bitch as she gets high all night on your porch/couch/toilet. Get rid of the bitch. sometimes they get the hint and leave, but other times you have to manufacture a fight that makes them want to leave thinking you’re an asshole. This is OK because you’re a source of income, and they will always come back. Usually with an apology because they knew they were wrong to begin with, by making you put up with their goofy shit.
One is going to go do a date and leave soon, and the other one I can keep here till morning, fuck her, and drop her off somewhere. The point is to keep it manageable, and don’t have people over that you can’t trust not to rob you blind while you sleep. They are not your friends. They are in it for themselves. Remember the first rule: drugs come first. This means they will do whatever they must to get it.
It's not often anymore that I fuck up, but it's important to remember when you do that you must handle this things correctly. That is to say, delicately. They got high on my porch. The main goal... The only goal, is to make them WANT to leave your house. Most of the time, they will manufacturer a fight. The key here is patience. They are trying to get more money for drugs. What they really want is to continue to get high and turn your house into a shithole. Add to this that they are in a completely insane state of mind due to being high. One left with a date. One down. She puts top a small, man spirited fight before leaving. The other is harder. She claims the other took her shit, other variants are the same, she has no drugs and must get some. She has to go. You want her out, butt you don't want police involved, things broken out stolen, or any other collateral damage before she exits through the main door. You don't want her coming back anytime soon either. So argue without fighting or getting angry.
Think the scene in Casino between Robert De Niro and Sharon Stone. Handled perfectly. Well, as perfectly as he could at the time. Girls can cause a lot of problems, especially if they are aware of how difficult one can make your life.
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