Found her

 Princess is once again creeping around the neighborhood with her pimp boyfriend. She looks real fucked up now. I drove oner and sure enough, I found her. So I took her home. Her boyfriend walks off sand gives it about an hour before he starts texting about her. We have this down to a science. I liked it. I get to fuck her and dump her back off for him to deal with her shit. It's nice. 

Once I got her to the house, she wanted to go straight to the porch to smoke crack. I let her take a couple of puffs. Then you got to get a little forceful, otherwise she’ll just start rambling on like a crack addict tends to do, with no focus. And grab a handful of hair, and gently guide her face to my dick. She sucked me off for a while, then I just fuck her right then and there on the porch. This is how I leave her for her boyfriend.


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