Can't go into a Walmart

 There are several homeless junkies hanging out at the Walmart in the city. One followed me in and gives me the look. if you don’t know what this look is, you’re retarded. It’s a look all women give to men who are interested in them. It’s a simple look. They actually pay attention to you for more than a couple of seconds. I’m standing there on my phone with the shopping cart trying to figure out what to buy next, and she walks over after giving me the eye and introduces her self as Danielle. I said nice to meet you and walked away. I was tired, I’m still in pain from those wounds I have. I know I will regret it later. She looked like she was in rough shape. Young, probably early 20s, short curly hair down to her ears, small perky tits. She looks like she had a blackeye, but I know better. She hasn’t been eating and when you starve yourself, the first telltale sign is sunken eyes. If I had been feeling better, I would’ve taken her up on it. Add another to the roster. 

Now that I’m home trying to sort my things out, I get a call from one of the girls hitting me up. She started being aggressive when I told her no. When I told her I was busy, she said doing what? You don’t do anything all day. So I hung up. She immediately called back and I asked if she was going to be nicer. She toned it down a bit but was still aggressive. I can’t have her over. She’s got to calm down first. Women start getting aggressive when they think they can get away with it. You have to keep them in their place. They may look harmless, but women can cause you all kinds of trouble if you're not careful. Just look at Harvey Weinstein. How is a fat ugly bastard like him ever going to screw hot, desirable, A-list actresses? The only way is the way he did it. However, if he had just stuck to prostitutes, he would have been fine. Look at Donald Trump! If he had just paid it correctly, they wouldn’t have anything on him. No one cares if you fuck somebody, until that somebody complains about it! They can get you involved legally, with the police, they can say you did things that you never did, They can steal from you, have you beat up by another guy, the list goes on. So, always protect yourself. The moment a girl get slightly aggressive, you back off. let it be clear to her that you are nothing more than a trick. She wants to use your pad to get high, you tell her no. If she wants you to give her a ride somewhere to get something, you tell her no. If she says she has her shit over your house, you  tell her she shouldn’t have left it there. That's on her, not you. They’re going to freak out, and get emotional. That’s how women are. They work off emotion. If you wanna know how to combat their nonsense and emotions, go on YouTube and listen to Patrice O’Neal.


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