Saturday afternoon bang
I tried using a cheap camera. Don't. They are unreliable, which is unacceptable when trying to capture moments. I went to the hotel to meet Bella. She wanted me keep some of her things in my car. She had to check out soon. She kept talking as she packed up her things, threw on something sexy that I got her, and then frantically tried to find her dope. After a while she gave up searching and we fucked on the bed doggy style. It wasn’t very good since she was distracted on her phone, smoking crack. Kind of bitchy too. She kept saying how she was in a hurry again. I mistakenly put the phone down, and I really regret not taping that.
A monger named Dan set up a meet with her and she asked me to drop her off. So now, I have her things in my car, and she has $40 from me.
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