In the Beginning...
First rule: Drugs come first.
Never forget this rule. They are not fucking me because they like me, or sex, or money. Drugs are their motivation. Drugs above all else. More important than their kids, you, their health, everything. All things take a back seat to drugs. This is a law handed down by the almighty set in stone. Once you understand this rule, everything else can fall into place.
Understanding this rule will follow costly, bad mistakes. Experience will teach you not to fall in love. Not to have attachments. Don't give a shit of they are on E and hurting. You're there to get laid, not solve their goofy problems. Their problems don't concern you. Their problems are a myriad of excuses and lies all to get more drugs. Always return to the first rule. "I wanna pick something up first before I go to to your house." Bullshit. Arguing why you make such a big deal. Why can't they just smoke or get high in your house/bathroom/car? No, suck my dick. Why can't we stop and get something before you drop me off? No. One stop dropoff. No shit in my car.
They will try to get away with all kinds of shit. Don't let them. They don't like it? Take the L. They're a dime a dozen.
good advice. I use to volunteer at a homeless shelter. These women would turn down food, housing and jobs for drugs.