I though I could deal with Death.
The anthropomorphization of death is an easy way for us to deal with the abstraction of loss. You can't reason with the abstraction, but you can have an argument with a skull. You can deal with the five separate stages of grief far better than Hamlet lamenting what's left of his friend resting in the palm of his hand. I tried saying women in the tradition set down through the generations. Find a girl you like, hope she likes you, ask her out on some dates, and hope it doesn't lead to heartbreaks and financial ruin. Pay for everything, pay for time, pay with money, pay with vindictiveness and hatred, be cast aside for a better model with more potential. Or maybe I'm just that hard to deal with. A girl won't want you if she doesn't respect you. Maybe I should have taken that swing at the other guy, stood my ground, fought harder, tried harder, done better.... Or maybe I should never have discovered that after crying myself to sleep night after night over these g...